Friday, August 17

We made popcorn! At home! On the stovetop!

So, back in May, we received organic corn kernels from our CSA.  I put it in a jar, sealed the lid tight and put it in a dark, cool cabinet.  We don't have an air popper, so I wasn't sure what to do with it, until the other night...

The mister and I had finished dinner and were getting ready to watch a movie.  He said he had an idea..."let's make popcorn!"  It seems that the mister had done his research and said we had everything we needed!  So, here goes:

  • corn kernels -- approximately 1/2 cup
  • canola oil
  • butter/salt/whatever else you want to top your popcorn with
We took our large soup pot and coated the bottom with canola oil.  Turn on the heat to med/high. We added three kernels of corn to the bottom of the pot and covered it with a lid (our pot set has glass lids).  When the oil is hot enough, and the three kernels pop, then pour in your 1/2 cup of corn and cover again.  Shake the pot vigorously over the heat.  The corn should pop quickly.  Wait until the frequency has slowed down a bit, turn off the heat and allow the last kernels to finish popping.  Grab a wooden spoon and mix up the corn a bit. Transfer to a bowl and add your favorite topping.  We went for butter, salt, and a touch of parmesan cheese. It was fabulous!!!  And without the $9 movie theater price tag.

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