Friday, August 12

Do you want your pasta wit or wit out?

I try to eat as local as possible, but the word on the street is that in addition to my weekly Farmer's Market visit, I also shop at a supermarket (oh, the horror!!!).

But, you are a savvy reader and already figured it out.  Yes. I am a supermarket shopper. There are items that I consume that I just can't get at my farmer's market--like organic skim milk. Organic coffee (our local roaster--Kimberton Coffee--is available at the supermarket). Sustainably fished canned tuna. There are also household goods that I need from time to time--like paper towels, toothpaste, and tooth brushes!

One of my favorite supermarket items is the whole wheat organic pasta I find. I have been regularly been buying penne, but I thought that I'd try a new style of pasta (same brand); Bionature Gobbetti.  For me, this was a nice change. For the mister? This was a big, fat fail.

We decided to have pasta for dinner with some green beans. I like to mix my veggies and pasta, but the mister likes to keep his dishes separate. He also requested "red sauce" for his pasta this night and I decided to use some goat cheese.

So, the good news is, my new pasta was excellent topped with goat cheese and green beans.  I added just a touch of grated pecorino cheese and garlic scape pesto for some extra flavor.  My pasta dish was great "wit" this cheese combo. It was excellent, as you can see below!

New pasta with goat cheese and pecorino!

So...the bad news...the mister's pasta was pretty lame. Because the pasta was very "twisty," his tomato sauce did not stick to the pasta. It just accumulated at the bottom of the bowl.  It wasn't terrible, but it was "wit-out" any sauce. No big deal, I didn't knock it out of the park.  Evidence is below.  This time, it's a fail by the Local Food Lady!

Simple dinner
A bit of a fail.

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