Wednesday, July 20

I have good dirt. This picture is proof.

I have good dirt! Local Food Lady's flickr
Last summer, the mister and I bought a compost bin. We began composting all of our veggie scraps (those that weren't used in making veggie stock) into this compost bin. We also added leaves, cut ivy, old plants to the bin. Every so often, I'd get one of our garden claws and move stuff around.

I had read that after a year of aerating and letting this stuff decay, you will get "black gold." What is that??

Fast forward a year, it's time to plant my containers. I head to the trap door on the compost bin and what do I find? DIRT! Good, wormy, dirt! So, I used that to plant me some tomatoes. I have never had luck with tomatoes. I think I just like the idea of planting tomatoes, since they've never blossomed any fruit.

We returned from our early-July vacation to find many tomatoes sprouting from our container. My dirt works! I picked these the other night.

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