Thursday, July 21

Today's lunch: leftovers and lots of fruit!

As I've said before in my introduction, I bring leftovers to lunch--often. You've been warned!!

We are in the midst of a heat wave of ridiculous proportions and the idea of cooking gives me the shakes. So today, I brought what was left of the gazpacho batch for my lunch. That stuff is perfect on a 99 degree day. Between the crunch of the cucumber and the feta cheese, I'm loving it all!

I also tend to crave fruit when it is dreadfully hot out. I had some organic strawberries in the fridge that I cut up and added some basil. Between my CSA and my containers outside, I have quite a bit of basil right now. I drizzled the basil/berry mixture with balsamic vinegar for some bite to the flavors. Really tasty.
Mini melon

I also received a melon in my CSA on Saturday for the first time. It was a small melon...just enough for one person. I cut that up last night and ate it plain after I had the berries. It wasn't as flavorful as I hoped, but I think I may have cut it a little too soon. The fruit sugars need to get more concentrated. Oh well, my loss, I still ate it anyway.

My fruit CSA is starting up in 2 weeks. I am more excited than a kid on Christmas Eve for this to start. The apples, plums, pears, peaches...oh my!! North Star Orchard knows what they are doing.

In preparation for these 15 weeks of pure fruit bliss, I stocked up on some peaches and nectarines from North Star Orchard at Saturday's Farmer's Market. Buying from them before the CSA begins is like opening an early present--you know the holiday is coming, you just can't hold it together!!! To finish off today's lunch, I had the nectarine and then the peach (I'm still enjoying the peach as I write this).
Good, whole foods: nectarine & peach

Today's lunch was made of simple items, but when you add an herb or a condiment (like balsamic), the flavors really change.

I've got a meeting tonight, so the mister is going to try his hand at some local food cooking (he's usually the taster and cleanup guy). I gave him one very important instruction: take pictures!!

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